Porodična kompanija Polo osnovana je 1991.god. sa sedištem u Čačku, Srbiji.

Prve delatnosti kompanije bile su proizvodnja sirćeta i distribucija esencije (sirćetne kiseline), prvu deceniju poslovanja akcenat ostaje na ovom programu, kompanija postaje prepoznata na lokalnom tržištu pod brednom KISKO. Ulaskom u drugu deceniju poslovanja kompanija širi svoj proizvodni program na toplu preradu povrća, a narednih godina i na preradu voća. Drugu deceniju poslovanja obeležiće i širenje prodajne mreže na teriritoriju cele Srbije, izvozne poslove na inostrana tržišta Crne Gore,Bosne i Hrvatske kao i daleko zahtevnija tržišta Kanade, Austaralije i Amerike. U trećoj deceniji poslovanja akcenat kompanije je na razvijanju novih proizvoda koji zadovoljavaju potrebe sve zahtevnijeg tržišta, pa tako danas proizvodni program čini preko 60 proizvoda.

Family company Polo was founded in 1991, company headquarters was in Čačak, Serbia.

The first activities of the company were a production of vinegar and distribution of essence (acetic acid), the first decade of business was focused on these products. The company becomes recognizable in the local market with brand KISKO.
Entering the second-decade company expands production program with hot processing of vegetables and the next few years expands also on the processing of fruit. The second decade of business was marked with expanding the sales network on the territory of the whole of Serbia, export business to foreign markets of Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia as well as in the far more demanding markets of USA, Canada and Australia.
In the third decade focus of the company is on developing new products that satisfy the needs of an increasingly demanding market. Today the company has a production program of over 60 products.