• Autoput za Zagreb 20a, Beograd, Srbija
  • +38163482618
  • aleksa.vucicevic@artival.rs
  • www.premiercokolada.rs
  • Aleksa Vučićević
  • Standard:

    • HACCP,
    • ISO22000,

Višedecenijsko iskustvo, odabir najkvalitetnijih sirovina i neprekidna opredeljenost za usavršavanje i praćenje svih tehnoloških i tržišnih trendova, učinili su Premier proizvode simbolom prefinjene i ukusne čokolade, namenjene istinskom uživanju.

Koristeći sve raspoložive resurse, znanje i ličnu energiju, svi koji rade u kreiranju, proizvodnji i usavršavanju brenda Premier, trude se da tržištu ponude najbolje od čokolade – od specijalnih vrsta koje se odlikuju posebnim nutritivnim ili zdravstvenim benefitima, preko čokolada od kakaovca sa posebnim geografskim poreklom, do brojnih kombinacija čokolade i voća, orašastih plodova i drugih dodataka.

Važno polje razvoja predstavlja i kreiranje i usavršavanje linija proizvoda sa naglašenom zdravstvenom komponentom, bez dodatih šećera, nutritivno izbalansiranih, a sa sačuvanim izvanrednim ukusom. Gledajući ka budućnosti, Premier se trudi da zadovolji sve potrebe svojih lojalnih kupaca, ukjučujući i brigu za njihovu dobrobit.
U tom smislu, odabir dodataka za Premier igra veoma važnu ulogu. Samo najbolje od prirode i srpske tradicije zaslužuje da bude deo brenda koji je sinonim za ukusnu, inovativnu i, za mnoge, neodoljivu čokoladu.

Our decades-long experience, a choice of best ingredients and a constant need of improvement and keeping up with all the technological and market trends, have made Premier products a symbol of refine and delicious chocolate meant specifically for enjoyment.
Using all the available resources, knowledge and energy, all of us working in creation, production and improvement of Premier brand try hard to offer the best chocolate on the market – from special types that include nutritive and health benefits, to chocolates made of cocoa with special geographical origin as well as a number of different combinations of chocolate and fruits, nuts and other ingredients.
An important field of development is creating and developing a series of products with a marked health component, with no sugar, nutritionally balanced while keeping its original taste. Looking towards the future, Premier puts an effort to please all its loyal customers’ needs while caring about their own welfare.
In that sense, choosing ingredients plays an important role for Premier. Only the best from nature and Serbian tradition deserves to be a part of the brand that is a synonym for a delicious, innovative and for many, irresistible chocolate.