• Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 160, Nova Pazova, Srbija
  • 063 412541
  • dragan@acmint.co.rs
  • https://true-story.co/
  • Dragan Trifunović
  • Standard:

    • HACCP,
    • IFS,

Company ACM-INT Ltd. was founded in Belgrade in 2004, within the ACM Group. Our main activity is the production of dried fruits and vegetables, which is done with our own technology. During the first half of 2015, we successfully constructed a prototype of innovative dryers for fruits and vegetables. We carefully tested and controlled each stage in the production process in order to get the highest product quality.

Thanks to the application of innovative modern technologies of the ACM-2000 dryer and the scientific and technological knowledge in the field of food processing, we have obtained a product that has satisfied all standards for food production HACCP, IFS, organic production and thus enabled necessary conditions for sale on domestic market, along with export to the EU and many other markets. Our products are completely natural; with no sugars or additives added.

We believe that drying is the future of food keeping due to its superiority when compared to other types of
preservation. We know this as no life form can survive without water: this also applies to microorganisms.
In other words, with dehydration – water removal in food products – we fully and permanently stop the activity
of microorganisms; biological food content is stabilized in a long-term. We only use dry air dehydration because it is the only natural way of drying. Our dried fruits and vegetables are dried at low temperatures, below 60o, which allows all valuable ingredients to remain in the product! Our products are 100% oil-free, except for dried potato chips (1.5% oil) and dried zucchini chips (3% oil), they are completely vegan, crunchy and have a more intense taste than fresh fruits and vegetables.

Our potages are ready very quickly, in 10 minutes, without cooking. Since they are rehydrated in warm water,
all vitamins, minerals and other nutritional values remain preserved. In addition, unlike other dried tomatoes that are conserved with 20% salt, our dried tomatoes are without any additives.

Another advantage of drying in comparison to other kinds of food preservation is that by soaking in water, our dried
products can be used as fresh. This means that product quality is not affected by dehydration so if you restore
moisture, products will not differ in quality, taste and nutritional value. Of course, dried fruits are sweeter than the fresh ones because by water removing the sugar concentration increases. Our story is obviously a true story.

Every dream is based on a true story. That is why we are True Story, as we turn dreams into reality. In short, we are perfect because we give more. Both as a product and as a brand. And we want to keep it this way. As you will see, we like to keep things simple. We have achieved our goal and created both healthy and delicious food. And we are always honest, witty and bright. And that’s not a phrase. As soon as you know us, you’ll see we’re not like other products.